Earthquake 6.6 M - Italy
 Situation overview
As of 30 October, a 6.5 earthquake occurred with an epicenter in the districts of Macerata, Ascoli Piceno and Perugia at 7.40 AM. It is thought to be Italy's most violent in decades.

At least ten people have been hurt but no deaths are reported so far and the quake hit some areas already evacuated following earlier tremors, but the damage to buildings is believed to be extensive.

The earthquake toppled Norcia’s Basilica of St Benedetto. Many buildings collapsed.

The quake was felt strongly in Rome, where authorities suspended the Metro, and also over the border in Croatia and Slovenia.

Italy's civil protection department said there were "checks under way in all the towns affected by this morning's quake". (source BBC)

Helicopters were being used to reach remote areas and help the injured, said its head, Fabrizio Curcio, quoted by AP.

So far, no need for international assistance.
 Status of request for assistance
FCSS is in close contact with ECHO ERCC and in touch with the Italian authorities - international assistance not required at this time, member countries are however offering support bilaterally. Will update should situation change.
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