EQ in Guatemala 22 June 2017 12:31 UTC
 Situation overview
An earthquake of magnitude 6.6 on the Richter scale (10 km deep) shook the Guatemalan coast on today at 6:30 local time. According to preliminary information provided by the National Institute of Seismology, Volcanology and Hydrology the telluric movement was located 73 miles south of the department of Suchitepéquez.
So far there are no reports of fatalities. Few material damages (roads affected by landslides) have been reported.
The RC office is in contact with emergency response agency (CONRED) and supported by OCHA is close monitoring the situation.
Last Wednesday, ca magnitude 6.9 earthquake shook the border between Guatemala and Mexico with five people dead in Guatemalan territory.
For updates from the National Disaster Management Agency in Guatemala (CONRED) please follow on Twitter:@ConredGuatemala
Also recommended Hashtags: #Earthquake #Escuintla #Guatemala

Viviendas Daños Leves 4 Sacatepéquez y Sololá
Puentes/Bridges: 2 Totonicapán
Carreteras/Roads: 8 (Guatemala, Sacatepéquez, Sololá y Totonicapán)
Escuelas/Schools: 2 Baja Verapaz y Guatemala
Iglesias/Churches: 3 Escuintla, Retalhuleu y Sacatepéquez
Edificios/Buildings: 6 Escuintla, Sacatepéquez, Suchitepéquez y Totonicapán
Monitoreo de daños a nivel.
· Verificación de daños por Delegados Departamentales e Instituciones que conforman el sistema CONRED.
· Manejo, procesamiento y verificación de información tras la ocurrencia del evento inicial.
· Monitoreo al Puente Belice, Ciudad de Guatemala.
· Evaluación de Daños y Análisis de Necesidades –EDAN-.
· Monitoreo del área del incidente en Soloma, Huehuetenango; sin reportarse sucesos nuevos.
· Suspensión de clases en Suchitepéquez, por instrucción del Director de Educación Departamental, Hugoswoly Chapetón
 Status of request for assistance
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