Mexico - 7.5 earthquake
 Situation overview
A 7.5 magnitude earthquake, 5km depth, occurred at 10:29 local time in the south of Mexico, 23 km south of the city of Crucecita, Oaxaca state (National Seismic Service of Mexico).

The National Coordination of Civil Protection has informed, with preliminary information provided by local Civil Protection Units, that the most affected state is Oaxaca where:
  • 5 people were killed by the earthquake.
  • An undetermined number of houses and roads damaged. However, no big buildings are reported as collapsed. Local USAR capacities are being mobilized and no international support has been required so far.
  • Electric power is being gradually reestablished in some municipalities located along the coastline.
  • A fire was reported in an oil refinery in the municipality of Salina Cruz. The incident has been controlled and the whole refinery closed as preventive measure.
  • A specialized Covid-19 hospital was damaged and fully evacuated. Several public service buildings have been damaged as well.
  • Structural assessments are ongoing for damaged public and private buildings.
Other affected states have been affected to a lesser extent, including:
  • Mexico City (two people injured)
  • Puebla
  • State of Mexico
  • Guerrero
  • Chiapas
  • Veracruz
At the moment, the main concern is the possibility of aftershocks. Therefore, all national preparedness and response protocols remain active until further notice.
UN agencies in country activated the Security Plan (led by UNDSS) and the Interagency Contingency Plan (led by OCHA and WHO/PAHO as UN Emergency Technical Team Chairs).

Unless the situation changes significantly, no further updates will be provided here.

 Status of request for assistance
OCHA/ INSARAG Secretariat has been in touch with the INSARAG focal points of Mexico based in the National Civil Protection, there is no request for international assistance.
Should this situation change, we will update the information in this regard.
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