Simulation and Training Network
HNPW 2019
Simulation and Training Network (STN)

PRE-EXERCISE LEARNING: SESSION OUTCOMES • Pre-exercise training was confirmed as key priority in large-scale simulation exercises
• Pre-exercise training Working Group was confirmed (Chair: Tom Hales, initial members: all participants at the session)
• The remote learning module developed by Anahi (Argentina) for Latin American USAR teams in 2018 to be translated into English and shared widely
NEXT STEPS• Working group to interact remotely (WebEx and STN VO-Workspace) to develop and advance results in connection with exercises scheduled in 2018.
• First exercise in May 2019 (UK Simex Series) will be used to introduce and test remote learning modules according to exercise objectives for respective target audience
• Create a new STN workstream on exercise evaluation to develop a standard methodology, building on best practice
• Develop an “open-source” checklist and guidance for exercise preparation based on Lessons Learned and best practice, which should be regularly updated
• Use large scale disaster exercises in 2019 to advance all STN workstreams (“STN Knowledge Base”, “Pre-exercise Learning”, “Exercise Evaluation”, and “STN Community of Practice”)
• Update STN Knowledge Base with exercise objectives of the UK Simex Series exercise by May 2019
• Establish the pilot open-source checklist/guidance for exercise preparation (NATO/EARDCC Serbia exercise to serve as initial case study)
• STN Working Groups (workstreams) and the STN Core Group will ensure wide engagement (WebEx) to advance the respective plan of action, and to monitor progress
Interactive Session: Multi-Stakeholder Dynamics in Sudden Onset Disasters, Escalating Emergencies and Protracted Crises Meeting Outcomes• There is a lack of understanding of the complexity of international dynamics in disaster and emergency response
• Many tools, mechanisms and procedures exist to address different challenges in humanitarian response and coordination, but there is need to increase awareness and synergies among them
• The STN Knowledge Base prototype application was presented in the session. This application prototype aims at creating a comprehensive overview of different mechanisms and actors, and to illustrate how they interact with each other in different scenarios and emergency phases
Next steps:• Tools and mechanisms and related interaction with different actors will be compiled in the STN Knowledge Base
•Share STN Knowledge Base with stakeholders for feedback and further improvement

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