Communication & Community Engagement initiative (CCEI)
The Communication and Community Engagement initiative (CCEI) aims to organise a collective service to address the need for a more systematic and coordinated approach to communications and community engagement with affected people. The Grand Bargain “participation revolution” commitments, the IASC Accountability to Affected People commitments, and the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) all outline that in order to meet this goal, three essential components must be part of any response throughout the entire humanitarian programme cycle:
• Participation
• Information sharing with affected communities
• Feedback and complaints

While organizations and clusters have made efforts towards progress in this area, coherent and coordinated information is still not provided to affected communities in a systematic way, and the design of humanitarian responses remains insufficiently informed by the views and feedback of affected people.

The goal of the initiative is to help improve the quality and effectiveness of humanitarian and health emergency responses, through a harmonised, timely, systematic and predictable collective service for communication and community engagement with affected communities throughout all phases of the humanitarian programme cycle.
This is a public website hosted by the UN OCHA to facilitate information exchange in disaster preparedness and response.
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