Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks
HNPW 2025 (17 - 28 March 2025)

Session title: Local Procurement Learning Framework
26 Apr 23 16:00-17:30   (Salle 14)

To increase localised approaches and improve the efficiency of aid delivery, more awareness on the benefits of local procurement, and tools and resources are needed to shift aid bureaucracies to policies and processes which can help buy more items locally.

This session will discuss structural barriers to the local procurement and manufacture of aid items. It will also introduce questions related to how crisis affected people can better communicate their needs, and how this information can be used to adapt the local supply / manufacture of relief products.

The Local Procurement Learning Framework will be one of the first outputs produced by the Local Procurement Learning Partnership (LPLP), an Advocacy Group housed in HLA. It builds on momentum from recently completed research which highlights the need and potential of increased local procurement. Feedback and testing of the framework is needed to inform the development of recommendations to support humanitarian agencies to adopt policies which take a more holistic view of local procurement in support of localisation.

The work of the HLA / LPLP is also expected uncover other areas where research and tools are needed to support local procurement adoption.


16:00 - 16:15 Introductions and background

16:15 - 16:30 Presentation of the Local Procurement Learning Framework

16:30 - 16:45 Plenary / online discussion on structural barriers to local procurement

16:45 - 17:00 Adapting relief items to the needs of crisis affected people through 'Mass Customisation'

17:00 - 17:15 Plenary / online feedback - Q&A

17:15 - 17:30 Wrap up


Andrew Lamb, Chair, Internet of Production Alliance

George Fenton, CEO, HLA

Andrew Parkes, Head of Global Supply Chain, Relief International

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