Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks
HNPW 2024 (29 April - 10 May 2024)

Session title: How to plug-and-play your supply processes for better responsiveness, coordination, and flexibility.
26 Apr 23 09:00-10:30   (Salle 2)

This interactive session aims at discussing in a 1h30 round-table the challenges faced by humanitarian organizations when adapting their logistics processes to different situation.

This session will be structured in three parts:
- Exchange on the challenges of having to adapt your supply chain processes to fast-changing environments.
- Presentation on what enables plug-and-play for humanitarian supply chain processes and how can it be used.
- Advantages and tradeoffs of increasing the level of plug-and-play across your supply chain processes.


9h-9h30 Roundtable on plug-and-play challenges across participants organization

- Do you already use some component switch or plug-and-play for your supply chain processes? How do you use it? What is the added value?

- If no what are the challenges? Why not?

9h30-10h00: Process modularity in Humanitarian Supply Chain presentation

- What is process modularity? What does it look like in practice?

- How does process modularity works?

- Why does it support responsiveness?

10h -10h30: Workshop way forward and increasing your level of modularization

- Do you see this as a quick win?

- Group discussion to exchange best practices and tips to increase plug-and-play aka supply chain process modularity

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