Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks
HNPW 2024 (29 April - 10 May 2024)

Session title: How to improve participation practices in the aid sector?
27 Apr 23 11:00-12:30   (Salle 10)

One of the commitments of the Grand Bargain launched at the Humanitarian Summit in May 2016 was a ‘participation revolution’, with the objective of including the people who receive aid in the decisions that affect their lives.

More than five years later, it seems that this revolution has not happened in practice. Accountability is still strongly orientated towards donors, and aid beneficiaries seem to still have little influence over the goods and services they receive. There also does not seem to be a shared vision of the concept of participation among international aid actors, with approaches that vary from one actor to another.

In this context, Groupe URD is carrying out a study on participation, to revise and update one of Groupe URD’s key publications – the ‘Participation Handbook for humanitarian field workers’, published in 2009. As part of this study, Groupe URD is organising during the HPNW 2023 a workshop on participation practices in the aid sector to collect points of view and share experiences.


Facilitaed by Marie FAOU – Researcher, evaluator, and trainer, Quality & Accountability Advisor

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