Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks
HNPW 2025 (17 - 28 March 2025)

Session title: The Pacific Disaster Center - Two Decades of Global DRR, MHEWS and Early-Action Innovations
27 Apr 23 11:00-12:30   (Salle Montreux)

Pacific Disaster Center (PDC Global) is an applied research center managed by the University of Hawaii that supports the most demanding governmental and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) worldwide in helping to create a safer, more disaster resilient world. For more than 25 years, we’ve helped our partners enhance disaster management capacity, save lives, and reduce disaster losses through the application of our advanced tools and technologies, evidence-based research, and analytical information.

The Center’s DisasterAWARE platform is used by tens of thousands of disaster management professionals—from the senior-level decision maker to the operational practitioner. It provides global multi-hazard early warning, hazard monitoring, and risk intelligence to support rapid and effective disaster response, preparedness, recovery, and mitigation. DisasterAWARE includes the highest resolution all-hazards impact models, advanced analytical reports, and augmented information through artificial intelligence. The system features the largest, scientifically-vetted big data catalog for disaster management decision making in the world—derived in part from PDC’s unique National Disaster Preparedness Baseline Assessment as well as its Global Risk and Vulnerability data.

DisasterAWARE provides near real-time analytics about impacts to population, capital, and key infrastructure for multiple hazards, calculating likely humanitarian needs down to a scale of 30 x 30 meters. DisasterAWARE is free to disaster management practitioners and the humanitarian assistance community at

Recent innovations in DRR and Anticipatory Action ( ) along with MHEWS coordination with WMO and UNDRR from the Balkans to Timor Leste in coordination with NASA ( ) will be showcased.



11 AM - Introductions

11:05 - Overview of PDC and Engagements with UN, IFRC, NGO and global NDMO partners -

11:20 - Overview of PDC DRR and Sub-national Assessments -

11:30 - Demonstration of DisasterAWARE Pro and NASA Flood Innovations -

11:40 - Q&A and Feedback from Partners

11:55 - Closing Remarks, Next Steps and AOB (Any other Business)


Mr. Joel Myhre - PDC Global Engagement Specialist -

Mr. Todd Bosse - PDC Response Lead -

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