Global ETC: Brent Carbo
Brent Carbno is the Global Emergency Telecommunications Clustercoordinator, supporting the coordination and management of the technologyresponse to emergencies for the wider humanitarian response community on behalfof WFP as the cluster lead agency.
Brent has been in his current role since 2020, and bringsmore than 21 years of experience in the telecommunications technology field,and over 17 years of experience working in humanitarian emergencies. His previous roles include Managing Directorof Global Programs at NetHope for 2.5 years, and Program Director of EricssonResponse for 8 years as part of his 18 years with Ericsson.
Brent has both undergraduate and graduate degrees in scienceand a wealth of experience in ICT, humanitarian and development fieldoperations, as well as program management.

GSMA: Bryce David Hartley

ITU: Vanessa Gray
Vanessa Gray is the Head of the ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau’s (BDT) Division or Environment and Emergency Telecommunications. She is responsible for developing and overseeing projects and technical assistance on disaster preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery. This includes the development of national emergency telecommunication plans (NETPs) and the organization of regional and national workshops and capacity building exercises for disaster management. In the areaof disaster response, Ms Gray leads the work on the Disaster Connectivity Maps(DCM) and the deployment of emergency telecommunication equipment to countries hit by disasters. Ms Gray is the ITU focal point for the UN’s Early Warning for All (EW4all) initiative and coordinates the initiative’s pillar on Warning Dissemination and Communication, to ensure that alerts reach people at risk. She is also responsible for the organization of the Global Forum on Emergency Telecommunication (GET) and specific ICT for disaster management tools and publications, for example in the area of disruptive technologies, gender, and ICT drills.
In the area of the environment, Ms Gray coordinates the BDT's work on the circular economy and green digital transformation, which includes monitoring industry emissions, energy use and climate commitments from tech companies, and supporting countries in tracking ICT sector GHG emissions. In the area of circular economy, Ms Gray manages the work on e-waste policies and data, which includes the publication of the Global and Regional E-waste Monitors. Her role is to build public-private partnerships, develop projects and strengthen the role of the BDT in terms of e-waste coordination, for example with the E-waste Coalition, the Global E-waste Statistics Partnership, and with the private sector.
Prior to this position, Ms Gray was part of the ITU's Data and Statistics Division and contributed to the design and preparation of the Division's analytical publications, including the Measuring the Information Society Report (MISR). She also contributed to and coordinated the analysis of information society developments, organized ICT-related meetings, and delivered national and regional trainings and workshops on ICT statistics to ITU member states.

Global ETC: CarolineTeyssier
Deputy Global ETC Coordinator, IT Emergency Preparedness& Response Branch United Nations World Food Programme (WFP)
Caroline Teyssier, French national, has joined the World Food Programme (WFP) in 2011 and since then worked as part of the Global Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) team. Her role is to support cluster activation and mobilization of resources in emergencies, assist existing cluster country operations and oversee the ETC operational information management and capacity building activities.
Prior joining WFP, Caroline was working with the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA), as part of the Information and Technology(IT) Unit and the Humanitarian Reform Support Unit. She has been deployed to humanitarian emergency operations in South Sudan (2012), C.A.R (2013), The Philippines (2013), West Africa (2014), Nepal (2015), The Bahamas (2019) and Türkiye (2023).
In 2017, Caroline took up the position of Deputy Global ETC Coordinator in WFP IT’s Emergency Preparedness and Response Branch, supporting Global ETC Coordination and operational activities out of Dubai, U.A.E.

Global ETC: Lena Bock
Lena Bock, a national of Luxembourg, joined the World Food Programme (WFP) in January2023 as part of the Global Emergency Telecommunications Cluster. Her role is to support partner engagement and emergency preparedness activities. She is based at the headquarters in Rome.
Lena holds a Master's degree in Development Studies and International Cooperation. She previously worked for the Red Cross in Luxembourg in the migration and refugee department as well as at the European Commission's DG INTPA in Brussels, where she was responsible for Member States coordination.