Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks
HNPW 2024 (29 April - 10 May 2024)

Session title: The value and potential of repair in displacement settings - a case for durability and circular approaches to solar products
17 Apr 23 10:00-10:45

Providing access to sustainable energy solutions in displacement settings has gained centre stage in the recent years. Products such as solar lanterns, offer a much safer and more sustainable alternative to kerosine. However, initial research shows that 99% of the e-waste generated ends up buried, burned, or left on the ground where it ends up disintegrating and polluting the soil (NRC 2021). Formal recycling facilities are not easily available in many displacement settings, therefore designing products with durability and repairability in mind is more important than ever.

Sustainable and repairable design for displacement settings is not only possible, but a responsible investment for the private sector. Quality and durability go hand in hand - making sure that the design

works in harsh environment all over the world. Just delivering a product is not enough anymore, but delivering an after-life service is also important considering the impact products have in the lives of refugees and IDP communities.

This session will make the case for durable and repairable design, specifically in the portable solar solutions sector. Bright will present how repair plays a central role in the design of products, and how this has been a central part for our business model. The E-waste Project with IOM and Innovation Norway will be showcased as a successful example of how multi-stakeholder partnerships can support innovative e-waste management solutions in displacement settings.

Expected outcomes

  1. Increased understanding of the role product design plays in extending the life of products used in displacement settings
  2. Increased awareness of the impact products designed with repairability and durability in mind have for the community
  3. Showcase the benefits and possibilities that multi-stakeholder partnerships between UN agencies, NGOs and private sector offer
  4. Presenting the business case for repairability.


Lorena Muñoz Carmona, BRIGHT Products

Line Andersen, BRIGHT Products

Gemma Arthurson, International Organization of Migration

Therese Marie Uppstrøm Pankratov, Innovation Norway

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