Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks
HNPW 2025 (17 - 28 March 2025)

Session title: Strengthening locally led protection analysis for impact
Organizer(s): International Rescue Committee
30 Apr 24 14:00-15:30

Over the last years significant progress has been made by national and international organizations and stakeholders to use evidence based programming to support critical decision making in humanitarian responses across the world. Although protection risk analysis has played a significant role in shaping priorities and understanding the protection environment, often the role of local organizations and their unique understanding of threats and available capacities in their communities is overlooked. This session, would like to shed light on how to effectively draw out and utilize the knowledge and expertise in interpreting contextual nuance that community groups, representative organizations, and other local partners possess, and to ensure these critical perspectives are consistently brought into humanitarian understanding to direct inclusive operational and strategic decision-making.

Building on the Protection Analysis Framework, IRC and local organizations have collaborated and adjusted protection analysis resources and materials, to strengthen capacities of frontliners and local partners and support locally led analysis with a focus on risk mitigation through multidisciplinary responses. Envisioning a more inclusive humanitarian response approach, resources should be made available for local organizations to contribute meaningfully in humanitarian processes.


- Welcoming and setting the ground

- Localization and Protection Analysis

- Experiences from the field

- Q&A

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