Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks
HNPW 2024 (29 April - 10 May 2024)

Session title: An introduction to the Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus
Organizer(s): UNDP Nexus Academy
6 May 24 14:00-15:30   (Salle 14)

What is the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus ? Is it just a buzzword ? Are humanitarian, development and peace assistance too siloed to work together ? Are donors committed to support the Nexus ? Is it only possible to do development in an emergency context ?

This session will try to answer these questions, and give an introduction and overview of what is the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus.

Being fully interactive, the session will include a panel disucssion, quiz, and a Q&A between participants and experts. It is aimed at participants curious to learn more about how to reduce needs and ensure a better collaboration and coordination with their counterparts from the humanitarian, developement and peace pilar. Thanks to the hybrid format, participants are welcomed to join live or online.

This session is organised by the Nexus Academy, a live training course, endorsed by the UN-DAC dialogue, aimed at forging a common understanding of nexus approaches to ensure that organisations and the people they employ have the knowledge, skills and capacities to translate these approaches into practical action and impact at country level.

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