Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks
HNPW 2025 (17 - 28 March 2025)

Session title: Accelerating Anticipatory Action: Unlocking anticipation for more actors in more contexts
Organizer(s): hanna@h2hnetwork, yannick@h2hnetwork, kim@h2hnetwork
7 May 24 14:00-15:30   (Salle Nyon)

How can anticipatory action unlock different ways of actors working together to drive more creative and impactful solutions?

Anticipatory action is widely accepted as a vital strategy for achieving greater impact for communities, more efficient use of aid funding and leveraging the potential of data and new technologies. To deliver on this, it needs to go well-beyond the domain of the largest aid organizations, and become accessible to different kinds and sizes of organizations. This will not only deliver a greater scale of anticipatory action, but importantly, greater creative potential to address complex challenges.

H2H Network has been exploring what needs to happen to democratize anticipatory action - both to increase its uptake as a strategy by more actors, but also to unleash its creative potential for new models of action. With support from BHA, it’s been supporting members who are investing in new ways to access anticipatory action, and in the process, it’s been learning about what non-traditional actors need, how to replicate this in the future, and what bigger more creative solutions are possible.

H2H Network has so far found that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to the way that anticipatory action must be employed. Whether providing a valuable specialist service to others or applying anticipation to existing approaches, they have found that collaboration is foundational for success in anticipatory action.

In this session, we will ask how anticipatory action can unlock a different way of actors working together to drive more creative and impactful solutions. You’ll hear from H2H Network members about how they’re using anticipatory action in new ways, the H2H secretariat about what needs to happen to further democratize anticipatory action, as well as experts who will share their thoughts on opportunities for expanding anticipatory action for greater impact.


  • Chair: Kim Scriven (H2H Network, Director)

  • Jessie Pechmann (Humanitarian Open Street Map,Global GIS Manager)

  • Emily Elderfield (Clear Global,Advocacy Officer)

  • Christina Wille (Insecurity Insight, Director)

  • Elisa Schmidt (Ground Truth Solutions,ProgrammeDirector)

  • Markus Enenkel (World Bank, Risk Financing Expert)

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