Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks
HNPW 2024 (29 April - 10 May 2024)

Session title: Accelerating localised humanitarian action: The role of national pooled funds
7 May 24 11:00-12:30   (Salle 15)

In recent years, many governments and donors have reaffirmed their commitments to localisation, USAID, ECHO and most recently, FCDO have made it a strategic priority. However, very little has changed since the WHS in 2016, and despite renewed efforts reflected in the Grand Bargain 2.0, the sector is underdelivering this promise.

Objectives: This session will showcase how innovative approaches and national pooled fund mechanisms can pave the way to scale up and drive more tangible commitments to locally led approaches.


- Discuss the equity vs effectiveness argument around locally led action.

- Understand the role of national funds as local initiatives bridging gaps in capacity and funding and increasing collaboration

- Evidence how the Start Fund has been able to increase its locally led ambition in its 10 years of programmatic operation.

Expected audience: INGOs, UN agencies, donors (governments)

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