Anticipatory action in the
humanitarian system continues to gain momentum. In 2023, the Grand Bargain has
included anticipatory action as a core element of their work. While this is a great sign of the system
shifting to more proactive approaches, it is paramount to understand the scope,
reach, opportunities and limitations of early and anticipatory action, and how
it is part of the crisis management cycle. Objectives:This session will unpack the role of early
and anticipatory action in disaster risk management, and how different stages
of the crisis management cycle interact and can positively reinforce a more
timely, adequate and dignified responses. Outcomes: · Raise
awareness from evidence collected over 2 years since the launch of Start Ready. · Understand
how different financing and funding mechanisms complement each other, as well
as the role of insurance, to address disasters · Showcase
how anticipatory action fits within a larger continuum of crisis response, and
how the various stages of the disaster risk management (early warning,
preparedness, anticipatory action, response, recovery, etc.), must work
together to address in-country needs, and how to cover the ‘last mile’, so no
one is left behind. · Highlight
opportunities for local actors’ involvement (e.g., from programme design,
decision-making, and in terms of accessing funds directly). Expected audience:INGOs, UN agencies, donors
(governments) |