Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks
HNPW 2025 (17 - 28 March 2025)

Session title: Learning from Anticipatory Action in Tropical Cyclones: How early can we make decisions?
Organizer(s): JRC/ECHO, WMO
10 May 24 09:00-11:00   (Pleniere E)

This session builds on the valuable outcomes of previous WMO-JRC events at the HNPW on the topic. Over time, we have considered the timeline of various events, ranging from Tropical Cyclones to earthquakes, and the essential information and advice needed from humanitarians to trigger anticipatory action. Recent enhancements and their related success stories will be presented.

The focus this year is to explore how far we can prolong the timeline of hydro meteorological information and advice provided before the event occurs. We understand that extending the timeline allows for a longer window of opportunity for early action, but it may also reduce the accuracy of the analyses. Collectively, we will brainstorm the following recurring questions:

  • To what extent can decisions be made earlier, and what reliable information is available?
  • Can the current hydro meteorological forecasts meet the needs for anticipatory actions?
  • What is the minimum acceptable level of accuracy for humanitarians to take action?

At this year’s HNPW event, JRC and members of the WCM invite humanitarian partners to participate in a hands-on exercise to improve coordination and collaboration for an effective exchange of information tailored to the decision makers.

Who is the event for?

  • Humanitarian agencies that benefit from anticipatory hydro meteorological information and advice to provide disaster preparedness, emergency response, and recovery services
  • Regional intergovernmental organizations that provide EWS/ preparedness/ DRR services
  • National and Regional Meteorological and Hydrological Services, National Disaster Management Offices
  • Civil Society Organisations
  • Scientific community

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