Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks
HNPW 2024 (29 April - 10 May 2024)

Session title: Navigating humanitarian access: lessons from research and experience in hard-to-reach contexts
25 Apr 23 14:00-15:30   (Salle 15)

Humanitarian access is a constant challenge for humanitarian agencies who are trying to reach populations in contexts where armed conflict is raging. Sharing the latest research and field experience from Myanmar and Haiti, this session aims to identify successful strategies for NGOs to follow.

Humanitarian Outcomes will present recent research on navigating access challenges in Haiti and data from recent surveys of people in hard to access contexts.

MSF will reflect on their own experience of access negotiations in Myanmar and Haiti. Chaired by the MSF Humanitarian Access and Networking Coordinator (Sandrine Tiller) with Paul Harvey presenting Humanitarian Outcomes research and Sandra Lamarque (MSF Operations Coordinator) discussing Haiti and Roger Gutierrez Salgado (MSF Access Adviser) discussing Myanmar.


1400 – Intro, intro of participants

14.10 – Paul Harvey, Humanitarian Outcomes – presenting the Myanmar report and other general findings from recent reports

14.30 – 14.40 Discussion, Q&A

14.30 – 14.45 Roger – presenting on MSF access in Myanmar

14.45 – 14.55 Discussion, Q&A

14.55 – 15.10 Sandra – presenting on MSF access Haiti

15.10 – 15.25 Q&A and general discussion

15.25 – 15.30 Wrap up


Paul Harvey – Humanitarian Outcomes

Sandra Lamarque – MSF Operations Coordinator, Haiti

Roger Gutierrez Salgado – MSF Access Adviser


Sandrine Tiller – MSF Access and Networking Coordinator

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