Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks
HNPW 2025 (17 - 28 March 2025)

Session title: The R4V Model: an innovative & localised coordination response to Mixed Movements in Latin America and the Caribbean
26 Apr 23 16:00-18:00   (Salle Geneva)

The Inter-Agency Coordination Platform for Refugees and Migrants from Venezuela (R4V), which represents the geographically largest humanitarian response in the world, covering 17 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean region (LAC), is the first of its kind in relation to the management of coordination of a regional mixed movements response. Further to the 2018 directions on the UN Secretary-General, the R4V Platform is co-led by UNHCR and IOM, and coordinates the efforts of now 228 soliciting partners across 17 countries of the LAC region.

The purpose of the session will be to present the R4V coordination model, as well as some of its unique features, which highlight localization, transparency, and inclusion in humanitarian coordination. Each of the proposed sessions is intended to follow the logic of a brief presentation on the different technical aspects by representatives of the R4V Platform (Regional Coordinators and lead IMOs), followed by interventions of representatives of key stakeholders (incl. donor and host governments, as well as civil society), permitting for Q&As with members of the audience.


1. Introduction of the R4V coordination model

2. COORDINATION: Transparency and Data Innovation:

The RMRP as a needs-based and “activity-based response plan” vs. traditional “project-based response plans”. In furthering the transparency commitment of R4V, several data processing and management tools and approaches have been developed:

  • - R4V Activity Explorer and Repository to facilitate the search and identification of individual R4V partner activities, as well as direct engagement by donors/authorities with response actors, at a level of granularity that does not exist in other response plans.
  • - Data management applications: particularly for activity validation the R4V-created app allows multiple stakeholders with varying levels of technical expertise to use one common tool for better data management and a greater transparency.
  • - Estimating the needs (PiN) is a multi-functional endeavor involving data collectors and analysts (IMs), as well as sectorial experts from across the R4V response community and region to determine/share recommended indicators and alternative options for contexts with varying degrees of data availability and resources.
  • - Population data management: The vastly different population types covered by the R4V response (including refugees and migrants from Venezuela in-destination, refugees and migrants in-transit, pendular populations, Colombian returnees, and host communities) entail a complex data universe that led to the creation of data management strategies and data aggregation methodologies to avoid double counting while taking into consideration qualitative/contextual variables, as well as close collaboration with 17 host governments in the LAC region.
  • - The establishment of outcome indicators framework to track the impact of RMRP achievements against Sustainable Development Goals in each country, underscoring the operationalization of the humanitarian-development-peace nexus, coupling immediate emergency response activities, with medium/longer-term socio-economic integration and inclusion activities, in a multi-year RMRP.

3. LOCALIZATION: Inclusive and equitable sustainable coordination approaches

The structure of the R4V Platform is based on Regional, National, and Sub-regional Platforms with decentralized and delegated responsibilities and accountabilities, as well as operational responsibilities delegated to thematic Sectors as well as local Platforms within certain countries. To ensure comprehensive and inclusive ownership of this coordination model, INGOs, NNGOs and other civil society actors (faith-based and refugee- and migrant-led actors) are included at all junctures and in leadership responsibilities. While the efforts and impact of refugee- and migrant-led organizations has traditionally been under-reported (for multiple reasons, including complex monitoring systems mostly focused on implementing partners with legal agreements, limited awareness on the impact of reporting related information, available capacities and resources), the R4V coordination model demonstrates inclusivity, localized ownership and involvement at all levels for community-based response actors.

  • - The inclusion of 47 refugee- and migrant-led organizations within the RMRP 2023-2024, as well as technical support and guidance for local organizations to develop capacities in humanitarian coordination and operations.
  • - Close collaboration, including technical capacity-building for refugee- and migrant-led organizations (including those not included in the RMRP as appealing organizations).

Panel composition:

- R4V Coordinators

- Representative from diaspora organization (Ana Maria Diez, Presedent of Coalicion por Venezuela)

- Representative from donor community (Martha Marrazza,Humanitarian Affairs Attache,U.S. Mission Geneva)

4. Q&A with the audience


Panel composition:

- R4V Coordinators (Philippe Sacher, UNHCR; Zachary Thomas, IOM)

- Ana Maria Diez, President of the Coalicion por Venezuela

- Martha Marrazza, Humanitarian Affairs Attache, U.S. Mission, Geneva

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