Area of Common Concern: Integrating Security Risk Management Across Humanitarian Action

The global context in which humanitarian action is implemented is changing and despite growing concerns about the number of incidents affecting aid workers, there continues to be a gap in understanding around security risk management in the Humanitarian Sector. The tendency for siloing in the sector reduces the effectiveness of security risk management for sustaining safe access to populations in need.

For security risk management to remain effective it needs to continue to evolve and reflect the changes in global context and approaches to humanitarian action. To achieve this better communication across the sector is essential.

Expected outcomes

  • Broader engagement with Security risk management design, planning and implementation across the humanitarian sector to improve effectiveness for sustaining safe access. 
  • Increased understanding of the professionalization of security risk management in the humanitarian sector and the people-centered approach. 
  • Strategies developed to improve ongoing coordination and collaboration with Security Risk Management across the humanitarian sector.
  • Strengthen the evidence base for the ongoing campaign(s) for aid worker safety.


The group will provide a series of sessions throughout the HPNW programme to identify priorities for ongoing activities. Each session will work towards the overarching objectives of broader engagement and increased understanding of SRM and will mainstream the development of coordination and collaboration throughout the session.

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