GLIDE: EQ-2023-000166-MAR
M 6.8 Earthquake in Morocco
 Situation overview
All International USAR Teams, EMT and other relief teams please update your team factsheets in the "Relief Teams" tab on the top left. 

We would like to invite all teams in Morroco to provide their contact details using this form:

Teams/Responders that are outside Morocco, for more information, please contact Lucien Jaggi, OCHA/UNDAC Desk Officer by WhatsApp only: +41766910226

Teams/Responders that are inside Morocco, for more information, please contact the UNDAC advanced team lead in Marrakech, Sergio Da Silva: +41795000013 -

As of 13 Sept, the INSARAG Secretariat is aware of the following USAR teams on the ground:
  •  Qatar
  •  Spain (two teams: UME and ERICAM)
  •  UAE
  •  UK (ISAR)

Other teams are on standby and awaiting bilateral authorization. Some teams have indicated standing down.  

@NGOs: Please note that bilateral agreement with the Moroccan is needed to operate in the country.

Disaster information

On September 8, 2023, a M 6.8 earthquake near Oukaïmedene, Morocco occurred roughly 75 km southeast of Marrakech according to the US Geological Survey (USGS).

At least 632 killed and 329 injured, according to Moroccan state media, as of Saturday at 7:28 a.m. According to the Ministry of Interior, the number of injured victims also increased from 153 to at least 329. The number includes 51 victims who are in critical conditions. According to the ministry, Al Haouz registered the majority of deaths (290), followed by Taroudant (190), Chichaoua (89), Ouarzazate (30), Marrakech (13), and Azilal (11). Source Morocco World News.

Morocco has deployed its own search and rescue, military assets and the Red Crescent Society volunteers to support.
No request for international assistance has been received from the Government of Morocco as of 10 Sept, 9 PM Geneva time. A limited number of USAR teams have reported deploying following bilateral agreement with the Government 
A small UNDAC team has deployed today to provide coordination support to the UN Resident Coordinator in Rabbat and provide support in Marrakesh.
Report as of 2pm CET / 8 Sept

The event: during the night of Friday 8 to Saturday 9 September 2023, an earthquake with a magnitude of between 6.8 and 7 on the Richter scale struck Morocco. The epicenter was in the High Atlas Mountains, about 72 kilometers (44.7 miles) southwest of Marrakech, and were also felt in coastal cities of Rabat, Casablanca and Essaouira, 

Report from secondary data analysis as of 12 Sept COB:


The recent earthquake in Morocco resulted in a tragic toll of 2,862 deaths, more than 2,400 wounded and affected over 380,000 individuals, notably impacting children. With damages potentially reaching nearly 8% of Morocco's GDP, regions like Al Haouz, Taroudant, and Chichaoua are hardest hit. Infrastructure has been severely compromised: several educational institutions are damaged, while villages like Tafeghaghte and Moulay Brahim face significant displacement due to the destruction of most of their housing infrastructure. Healthcare services are under strain, moving outdoors in areas like Marrakech, and mental health impacts are becoming evident. Logistical challenges pervade, as major roads connecting crucial points are gridlocked or under repair like the route from Tahannaout to Taroudant, hindering aid to the most remote villages. Immediate needs revolve around rescue, debris clearance, and essentials like food, water, and especially warm clothing for places with temperature drops, like Tinmel. The disaster has spotlighted infrastructure vulnerabilities, especially in healthcare and transportation, indicating areas for urgent intervention and future preparedness.

  • Casualties: As of Tuesday 12th September, a total of 2,862 deaths have been reported: 1,604 in Al Haouz, 976 in Taroudant Province, 202 in Chichaoua Province, and 18 in Marrakesh Prefecture, according to the Government of Morocco. Particularly devastated villages like Tafeghaghte report over half of their approximately 200 residents deceased. Furthermore, Moulay Brahim village witnessed 25 fatalities. The total number of injured individuals has risen to 2,562 by the evening of 11/09 (Government of Morocco 11/09/2023, AP 11/09/2023, Hespress 11/09/2023).

  • Number of people affected: Over 380,000 individuals have been affected by the earthquake, with UNICEF highlighting that of this number, more than 100,000 are children (IMC 11/09/2023, UN 11/09/2023, UNICEF 11/09/2023).

  • Economic loss: The US Geological Survey estimated that the costs of the damage due to the earthquake could reach 8% of Morocco's GDP (USGS 11/09/2023).

Sectoral impact

  • Shelter: Close to the town of Moulay Brahin, near Asni, nearly every house has been rendered uninhabitable, displacing around 2,000 residents. Tafeghaghte, a secluded village in the Atlas Mountains, has been largely decimated, and Tikht village, sheltering at least 100 families, saw a significant number of homes demolished. In Tinmel, the devastation was so severe that the entire community is now without shelter. Contributing to the severity of the destruction is the local construction tradition of using mud and clay, which led to the complete collapse of numerous buildings (CNN 11/09/2023, Al Jazeera 11/09/2023, Middle East Eye 11/09/2023, Reuters 11/09/2023).

  • Health: The earthquake caused over 2,400 injuries, with many requiring urgent care in Marrakech. Healthcare services, strained by the influx and aftershocks, moved outdoors, necessitating essential resources. PTSD symptoms are prevalent among victims. In remote villages, self-managed burials raise concerns about potential disease outbreaks (IMC 11/09/2023, Project HOPE 11/09/2023, Moroccan Mental Health and Psychiatry Specialists League 11/09/2023, The Guardian 11/09/2023). 

  • Logistics: In the highest and most remote towns as Ijoukak and surrounding hamlets affected by the earthquake, power and water outages were reported (The Guardian 11/09/2023). 

  • Education: Education in 42 communities across Al Haouz, Chichaoua, and Taroudant has been halted due to the earthquake's impact. Of these, 530 educational institutions and 55 boarding schools sustained damage. Despite this, nationwide classes continue. The Ministry is focusing on assessing damage and ensuring uninterrupted learning in the affected areas  (Le 360 11/09/2023).

  • Livelihoods: In Moulay Brahim, markets and stores are closed as of September 11 (Reuters 11/09/2023).

Needs and gaps

  • Priority needs: Immediate attention is directed towards rescue efforts and clearing debris. Essential necessities such as water, food, and shelter are urgently needed for the victims. While healthcare, sanitation, and mental health support are widely required, in the remote town of Tinmel, the pressing demand is specifically for non-food items like blankets and warm clothing because of significant night-time temperature falls (CARE  11/09/2023), IMC 11/09/2023, UNICEF 11/09/2023, Reuters 11/09/2023).

  • Health: The distribution of health facilities reveals a pronounced deficiency in the hardest-hit regions, contrasted by Marrakech and Taroudant's relative preparedness as compared to rural Al Haouz. Marrakech's adaptation to outdoor medical care underscores an immediate need for logistical support to ensure outdoor services, including fuel, generators, or tents. In Asni, the field hospital faces severe logistic and saturation challenges while it struggles to assist patients timely (Crisis Ready 11/09/2023, MSF 11/09/2023, IMC 11/09/2023, Hespress 11/09/2023, Le 360 11/09/2023).

  • Protection: Despite robust mobilisation by public health professionals in Al Haouz, the prevalent use of communal tent accommodations raises pressing concerns about space and privacy (Hespress 11/09/2023c).

  • Shelter/NFI:Low temperatures in mountainous areas call for urgent arrival of tents,  blankets and warm clothing (UNICEF 11/09/2023).

  • Priority areas: Moulay Brahim, Asni, Tafeghaghte, Tinmel, Ijoukak (CNN 11/09/2023, Al Jazeera 11/09/2023, The Guardian 11/09/2023).

Humanitarian access

Significant roadways, including National Road No. 8 to Agadir and routes in Azilal, Tata, and other key regions, have been restored. However, vital connections like the route from Tahannaout to Taroudant remain under repair. Monday evening witnessed a traffic jam on the principal highway linking High Atlas Mountains to Marrakech, primarily attributed to the relief aid movement. Despite these efforts, remote villages past Tafeghaghet, including areas surrounding Ijoukak, are yet to receive aid due to inaccessibility (Ministry of Equipment, Transport, Logistics, and Water 12/09/2023, Logistics Cluster 12/09/2023, Reuters 11/09/2023, Hespress 11/09/2023, The Guardian 11/09/2023).

New Casualty Balance: 2,497 Dead and 2,476 Injured Due to the Earthquake
The Moroccan Ministry of Interior has raised the death toll from the earthquake recorded up until 10:00 AM to 2,497 people, while the number of injured has risen to 2,476.
Updated: September 11, 2023 - 12:32 CEST
Nuevo balance de víctimas | 2.497 muertos y 2.476 heridos por el seísmo

El Ministerio del Interior marroquí ha elevado este lunes el número de víctimas mortales del terremoto registradas hasta las 10:00 a 2.497 personas, mientras que los heridos ascienden a 2.476.

Act. 11 sept 2023 - 12:32 CEST

Any informations about request / rdc / ucc / icms ???



RDC is set up in the military side of the RAK airport.

The RDC has now been moved to the civilian part of Marrakech airport and is being managed by Moroccan CP.
Israel national EMT 3 is ready for deployment.
Upon coordination we can deploy with c130.
We can be reached here or on
The number of deaths increased to 1037 and number of injured is 1204 ,according to the last updated situation(sources Moroccan ministry of interior )
Usar13, equipo español preparado y activado por si hiciese falta y Marruecos acepta ayuda
Sheba Humanitarian and Disasdter Centerf (Israel) monitoring the situation and preparing for possible deployment

TUNISIA USAR TEAM is monitoring the situation

Please specify what is the closest active airport to the affected area

All international airports are functional and in operation.


Marrakech airport is reported to be open and functioning.


Marrakech airport is reported to be open and functionning.


GR/MUSAR is monitoring the situation.


HUSAR CZE 01 is monitoring the situation

UrecBomberosValencia is monitoring the situation
Christophe BEZZAZI
PUI FRA01 international emergency firefighters.
I am in Morocco and I am going there tonight
Epicenter near towns of Amizmiz population 21,500 people, Ouirgane 7,000 people, Ijoukak 6,641 people. These high altitude towns are located in different very close valleys. Many stone and earth villages are razed. I think the number of injuries and deaths will surely increase
HUSAR FRA03 is monitoring the situation
Gea Spain is monitoring the situation.
HUSAR FRA 02 is monitoring the situation
Norwegian Directorate for civil protection is monitoring the situation.

Indonesia Monitoring the situations


Number of death is rising. Most affected area are rural and the buildings are fragile. Rescue operations began immediately after the earthquake. Camp shelter and medical equipment are being prepared for the displaced residents and injured. Assessment is still ongoing in some areas.


Shared by Mr Hicham Choukri, Team leader HUSAR MAR 1

Information from a FRA01 team member, french/marrocco citizen who is in the country for private reasons : in Marrakech, old building or in construction are collapsed, the epicenter is localize in south of Marrakech, in a mountain area, with little villages but with many people (several thousands habitants) ; the assessment will be long because some road are destroyed.
Serve On UK are monitoring
NDRF INDIA is watching the situation closely.
Jordan Search and Rescue Team is monitoring the situation
Pakistan Rescue Team is observing the situation carefully
The quake struck 44 miles (71 kilometres) southwest of Marrakesh at a depth of 18.5 kilometres at 11:11 pm (2211 GMT) on 8 sep, the US Geological Survey said.

296 dead and 153 injured according to interior ministry - as at 0500 GMT 9 Sep. Source: A Jazeera
 Status of request for assistance

No request issue as of 8 am CET. Assessments are still ongoing.


Any information about the status of the request for assitance by Morocco government?
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