INSARAG - USAR Directory
The INSARAG Search and Rescue Directory provides an overview of INSARAG member countries and their Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) teams.


INSARAG Africa/Europe/Middle East

Algeria (contact)
  • Algerian Heavy Urban Search And Rescue National Unit of Training and Intervention 01 - IEC: Heavy USAR Team (2017)

  • Armenia (contact)
  • Armenia Urban Search and Rescue Team (ARMUSAR) - IEC: Medium USAR Team (2015)

  • Austria (contact)
  • Austrian Forces Disaster Relief Unit (AFDRU) - IEC: Heavy USAR Team (2012)
  • Samaritan Austria Rapid Response Team - no IEC classification
  • Search and Rescue Unit Vorarlberg - no IEC classification

  • Azerbaijan (contact)
  • International Search and Rescue Team of the Republic of Azerbaijan - no IEC classification

  • Bahrain (contact)

    Belarus (contact)
  • Republican Special Response Team «ZUBR» - IEC: Heavy USAR Team (2013)

  • Belgium (contact)
  • Belgium First Aid and Support Team - IEC: Medium USAR Team (2010)

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina (contact)
  • Bosnian SAR Team - no IEC classification

  • Brunei Darussalam (contact)

    Bulgaria (contact)
  • Civil Protection of the Republic of Bulgaria - no IEC classification

  • Croatia (contact)
  • Coatian Medium Urban Search and Rescue Team - no IEC classification

  • Cyprus (contact)
  • Cyprus Civil Defence - no IEC classification

  • Czech Republic (contact)
  • Czech Urban Search and Rescue Team - IEC: Heavy USAR Team (2010)

  • Denmark (contact)
  • Danish Search and Rescue Team - no IEC classification

  • Egypt (contact)
  • Egyptian Search and Rescue Team - no IEC classification

  • Estonia (contact)
  • Estonian USAR - IEC: Medium USAR Team (2015)

  • Finland (contact)
  • FINN RESCUE TEAM - IEC: Heavy USAR Team (2012)

  • France (contact)
  • HUSAR - UIISC 1 - FRA02 - IEC: Heavy USAR Team (2014)
  • HUSAR - UIISC 7 - FRA03 - IEC: Heavy USAR Team (2014)
  • HUSAR IrNAP - Zone IdF - FRA11 - no IEC classification
  • HUSAR IrNAP - Zone sud - FRA10 - no IEC classification
  • LUSAR IrNAP - Guadeloupe - FRA 20 - no IEC classification
  • LUSAR IrNAP - Guyane - FRA 22 - no IEC classification
  • LUSAR IrNAP - La Réunion - FRA 23 - no IEC classification
  • LUSAR IrNAP - Martinique - FRA 21 - no IEC classification
  • LUSAR IrNAP - Nouvelle-Calédonie - FRA 30 - no IEC classification
  • MUSAR FRA01-PUI - IEC: Medium USAR Team (2010)
  • MUSAR IrNAP - Zone Sud Est - FRA12 - no IEC classification

  • Georgia (contact)

    Germany (contact)
  • @fire - International Disaster Response Germany - IEC: Light USAR Team (2021)
  • I.S.A.R. Germany - IEC: Medium USAR Team (2007)
  • Technisches Hilfswerk SEEBA: Rapid Deployment Urban Search & Rescue - IEC: Heavy USAR Team (2007)

  • Greece (contact)
  • Elite Team Special Missions Egaleo - no IEC classification
  • Greek Fire Services Rescue Team - no IEC classification
  • Hellenic Disaster Response Unit - no IEC classification
  • Hellenic Rescue Team - no IEC classification
  • RSF HELLAS - no IEC classification

  • Hungary (contact)
  • Hungarian National Integrated Organisation for Rescue Services HUN2 - IEC: Medium USAR Team (2012)
  • Hungarian National Organisation for Rescue Services HUN 1 - IEC: Heavy USAR Team (2005)

  • Iceland (contact)
  • Icelandic International USAR Team - no IEC classification

  • Ireland no focal point specified
  • Irish Worldwide Rescue Team - no IEC classification

  • Israel (contact)
  • Fast Israeli Rescue and Search Team - no IEC classification
  • Israel National Search and Rescue Unit (NRU) - IEC: Heavy USAR Team (2018)

  • Italy (contact)
  • Heavy USAR Italy (ITA-01) - IEC: Heavy USAR Team (2018)

  • Jordan (contact)
  • Jordan Search and Rescue Team - IEC: Heavy USAR Team (2013)

  • Kuwait (contact)
  • Kuwait Search and Rescue Team - no IEC classification

  • Kyrgyzstan (contact)
  • 1-Rescue squad of the State Rescue Training Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Kyrgyz Republic - no IEC classification

  • Lebanon (contact)

    Lithuania (contact)
  • Lithuanian Emergency Response Team - IEC: Medium USAR Team (2011)

  • Malta no focal point specified
  • St John Rescue Corps - no IEC classification

  • Monaco no focal point specified
  • Firemen of Monaco - no IEC classification

  • Morocco (contact)
  • USAR-MOROCCO - IEC: Heavy USAR Team (2014)

  • Netherlands (contact)
  • USAR NL - IEC: Heavy USAR Team (2007)

  • Norway (contact)
  • Norwegian Search and Rescue Team - no IEC classification

  • Oman (contact)
  • OMA-1 - IEC: Medium USAR Team (0)
  • Oman National Search and Rescue Team (NSRT) - IEC: Medium USAR Team (2012)

  • Poland (contact)
  • USAR POLAND - IEC: Heavy USAR Team (2009)

  • Portugal (contact)
  • SARTEAM - IEC: Light USAR Team (0)

  • Qatar (contact)
  • Qatar Search and Rescue Team - IEC: Heavy USAR Team (2015)

  • Romania (contact)
  • Romanian SAR - IEC: Medium USAR Team (2014)

  • Russian Federation (contact)
  • Central Airmobile Rescue Team of EMERCOM of Russia - IEC: Heavy USAR Team (2011)
  • Far Eastern Regional Search and Rescue Team RUS-03 - IEC: Medium USAR Team (2021)
  • Siberian Regional Search and Rescue Team of EMERCOM of Russia RUS-02 - IEC: Medium USAR Team (2016)

  • Saudi Arabia (contact)
  • Saudi Arabia Search and Rescue Team (SASART) - IEC: Heavy USAR Team (2015)

  • Slovak Republic (contact)

    Slovenia (contact)
  • Urban Search and Rescue team Slovenia - no IEC classification

  • South Africa (contact)
  • Rescue South Africa - no IEC classification
  • Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Team of South Africa - IEC: Medium USAR Team (2017)

  • Spain (contact)
  • Emergencia Respuesta Immediata Comunidad de Madrid - IEC: Medium USAR Team (2011)
  • Spanish Emergency Military Unit USAR - IEC: Medium USAR Team (2011)

  • Sweden (contact)
  • Swedish International Fast Response USAR Team - no IEC classification

  • Switzerland (contact)
  • Swiss Rescue - IEC: Heavy USAR Team (2008)

  • Tajikistan (contact)
  • Rescue Team - Tajikistan - no IEC classification

  • Tunisia (contact)
  • Tunisian Special Unit (Civil Protection) - IEC: Medium USAR Team (2022)

  • Türkiye (contact)
  • AKA Search Rescue Research Association - no IEC classification
  • AKUT Search and Rescue Association - IEC: Medium USAR Team (2011)
  • Ankara AFAD 2 USAR Team - IEC: Heavy USAR Team (2017)
  • GEA Search and Rescue Team - IEC: Light USAR Team (2022)
  • IHH Arama Kurtarma - no IEC classification
  • Istanbul AFAD 1 USAR Team - IEC: Heavy USAR Team (2012)
  • Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Disaster Coordination Center Urban Search and Rescue Team - no IEC classification
  • Neighborhood Disaster Volunteer Emergency Response Team - no IEC classification
  • NESAR National Emergency Search and Rescue Association - no IEC classification
  • SAR Team of Search and Rescue Association - no IEC classification

  • Ukraine (contact)
  • Mobile Rescue Center of Ukraine - IEC: Heavy USAR Team (2014)

  • United Arab Emirates (contact)
  • Dubai Police Rescue Team - no IEC classification
  • UAE USAR - IEC: Heavy USAR Team (2009)

  • United Kingdom (contact)
  • ERT Search & Rescue - no IEC classification
  • International Rescue Corps - no IEC classification
  • Search and Rescue Assistance in Disasters (SARAID) UK-02 - IEC: Light USAR Team (2022)
  • United Kingdom International Search and Rescue - IEC: Heavy USAR Team (2006)

  • INSARAG Americas

    Argentina (contact)
  • ARG11 2 de JUNIO - no IEC classification
  • ARG12 PFA-BEFER - no IEC classification
  • usar salta - no IEC classification

  • Bolivia (contact)

    Brazil (contact)

    Canada (contact)
  • Canada Task Force 1 (Vancouver) - no IEC classification
  • CAN-TF2 (Calgary) - no IEC classification
  • CAN-TF3 (Toronto) - no IEC classification
  • Ottawa (Medium USAR) - no IEC classification
  • Thunder Bay (Light USAR) - no IEC classification
  • Windsor (Light USAR) - no IEC classification

  • CDEMA (contact)

    CEPREDENAC (contact)

    Chile (contact)
  • Grupo USAR Cuerpo de Bomberos de La Serena - no IEC classification
  • USAR Bomberos de Chile - IEC: Medium USAR Team (2017)
  • USAR BOMBEROS ÑUÑOA - no IEC classification
  • USAR Bomberos Puerto Montt - no IEC classification
  • USAR Bomberos Valparaíso - no IEC classification
  • USAR Bomberos Viña del Mar - no IEC classification
  • USAR Cuerpo de Bomberos de Osorno - no IEC classification
  • USAR E.R.U Bomberos de Chile - no IEC classification
  • USAR LAUTARO - no IEC classification
  • USAR Provincia de Concepcion - no IEC classification
  • USAR Santiago - no IEC classification

  • Colombia (contact)
  • COL-1 USAR Colombia SNGRD - IEC: Medium USAR Team (2018)
  • COL-11 Unidad de Operaciones Especiales en Emergencias y Desastres PONALSAR - no IEC classification
  • COL-12 Cuerpo Oficial de Bomberos de Bogota - no IEC classification
  • COL-13 Ejercito Nacional de Colombia - Comando de Ingenieros - no IEC classification
  • COL-14 Benemerito Cuerpo de Bomberos Voluntarios de Chinchina - no IEC classification
  • COL-15 Cruz Roja Colombiana Seccional Caldas - no IEC classification
  • COL-16 Defensa Civil Colombiana Seccional Caldas - no IEC classification
  • COL-17 Cruz Roja Colombiana Seccional Quindio - no IEC classification
  • COL-18 Benemérito Cuerpo de Bomberos Voluntarios de Cali - no IEC classification
  • COL-19 Armada Nacional de Colombia - no IEC classification
  • COL-20 Benemérito Cuerpo de Bomberos Voluntarios de Pasto - no IEC classification
  • COL-21 Benemerito Cuerpo de Bomberos Voluntarios Manizales - no IEC classification
  • COL-22 Cuerpo Oficial de Bomberos de Pereira - no IEC classification
  • COL-23 Cuerpo de Bomberos Voluntarios de Yumbo - no IEC classification
  • COL-24 Cuerpo de Bomberos Voluntarios de Yopal - no IEC classification
  • COL-24 Cuerpo de Bomberos Voluntarios de Yopal - no IEC classification
  • COL-25 Cuerpo Oficial de Bomberos de Dosquebradas - no IEC classification

  • Costa Rica (contact)

    Cuba (contact)

    Dominican Republic (contact)

    Ecuador (contact)
  • Rescate y Salvamento, Ecuador - no IEC classification

  • El Salvador (contact)

    Guatemala (contact)
  • USAR GUA 11 - no IEC classification

  • Haiti (contact)

    Honduras (contact)
  • Cuerpo de Bomberos de Honduras - no IEC classification

  • Mexico (contact)
  • Equipo de Respuesta Inmediata a Emergencias o Desastres (E.R.I.E.D.) - no IEC classification
  • Escuadrón de Rescate y Urgencias Médicas - no IEC classification
  • USAR Cruz Roja Mexicana - no IEC classification
  • USAR JALISCO MEXICO - no IEC classification
  • USAR-GUADALAJARA - no IEC classification

  • Nicaragua (contact)

    Panama (contact)

    Paraguay (contact)

    Peru (contact)
  • USAR-PERU Cuerpo General de Bomberos Voluntarios del Peru - no IEC classification

  • Samoa (contact)

    Uruguay (contact)

    USA (contact)
  • American Rescue Team International - no IEC classification
  • Empact Northwest Urban Search and Rescue Task Force - no IEC classification
  • Global Support and Development - no IEC classification
  • Miami Metro Dade - no IEC classification
  • US Agency for International Development-Fairfax County - USA-01 - IEC: Heavy USAR Team (2006)
  • US Agency for International Development-Los Angeles County Fire - US -2 - IEC: Heavy USAR Team (2007)
  • US Disaster Assistance Response Team - no IEC classification

  • Venezuela (contact)
  • FUERZA DE TAREA CARACAS - no IEC classification

  • INSARAG Asia/Pacific

    AHA Centre - ASEAN (contact)

    Australia (contact)
  • Australia Task Force 1 (Queensland) AUS-1 - IEC: Heavy USAR Team (2008)
  • Australia Task Force 2 (New South Wales)_AUS02 - IEC: Heavy USAR Team (2012)

  • Bangladesh (contact)

    Bhutan (contact)

    China (contact)
  • China International Search and Rescue (CHN-1) - IEC: Heavy USAR Team (2009)
  • China International Search and Rescue (CHN-2) - IEC: Heavy USAR Team (2019)
  • Hong Kong,China Search and Rescue Team - no IEC classification

  • Cook Islands (contact)

    India (contact)

    Indonesia (contact)
  • INDONESIA Search and Rescue Team - IEC: Medium USAR Team (2019)
  • Jakarta Rescue - no IEC classification
  • SAR Nasional - no IEC classification

  • Iran (contact)

    Japan (contact)
  • Japan Disaster Relief Team - IEC: Heavy USAR Team (2010)

  • Lao PDR (contact)

    Malaysia (contact)
  • Special Malaysia Disaster Assistance and Rescue Team (SMART) - IEC: Heavy USAR Team (2016)

  • Maldives (contact)

    Mongolia (contact)

    Nepal (contact)

    New Zealand (contact)
  • New Zealand USAR - IEC: Heavy USAR Team (2015)

  • Pakistan (contact)
  • Disaster Preparedness and Response Team - no IEC classification
  • Pakistan Rescue Team - IEC: Medium USAR Team (2019)

  • Philippines (contact)
  • Disaster Emergency Relief and Rescue Team - no IEC classification
  • Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority - no IEC classification

  • Samoa (contact)

    Singapore (contact)
  • Disaster Assistance and Rescue Team - no IEC classification
  • Singapore Operation Lionheart Contingent - IEC: Heavy USAR Team (2008)

  • Solomon Islands (contact)

    South Korea (contact)
  • Korea Disaster Relief Team - IEC: Heavy USAR Team (2011)
  • Korea Disaster Relief Team (KDRT) - IEC: Heavy USAR Team (2011)

  • Sri Lanka (contact)

    Thailand (contact)
  • USAR THAILAND - no IEC classification

  • Tonga (contact)

    Vanuatu (contact)

    Vietnam (contact)