GLIDE: FL-2023-000168-LBY
Libya Floods - Storm Daniel
 Situation overview

Situation Overview

Two months after the flooding in the northeast of Libya, humanitarian partners have reached over 180,000 people with assistance, out of the overall targeted 250,000 people. According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the number of Internally Displaced People (IDP) affected by the flood in eastern Libya has surpassed 43,400. Since the onset of the crisis, the World Food Programme (WFP) and food security partners have managed to provide food assistance to over 13,000 households. Additionally, UNICEF has continued its efforts by providing 756,000 liters of drinking water to 3,493 people in the affected areas during the reporting period.
A conference on the reconstruction of Derna was organized by local authorities and spanned two days, November 1 and 2. The first day included a field visit to Derna for a select audience. The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) attended as observers on the second day. According to the authorities in the east, the conference convened 400 participants in Derna on November 1 and in Benghazi on November 2, signaling a tentative step toward rebuilding the city. The attendees primarily consisted of representatives from international delegations and companies specializing in infrastructure development and housing, as stated in the government's online announcement. The conference focused on three main areas: the environment, development, and future planning. However, no representatives from the Government of National Unity were present. The final communique highlighted the formation of follow-up committees.

Reported International Assistance

Team Name and Code
ALG01 - ALG.HUSAR.UNII01 + Assessment team
USAR Heavy

European Union
EUCPT - European Civil Protection Team
HUN-13 - Budapest Volunteer Rescue Organization
KARISZ - Inter Rescue Hungarian USAR Team
HUN-10 - HUNGO - Pest County Search and Rescue Service
Italian Advanced Team

IT TAST VWF1 - Italian National Fire & Rescue Service 

Water SAR - Italian National Fire & Rescue Service

JOR 01- Jordan Search and Rescue Team
PS_SAR - Palestinian Search and Rescue Team
Russian Federation

Russian Federation
ESP10 UREC-IAE - Grupo Especial UREC Consorcio Bomberos Valencia - ONG IAE
Briegal - USAR NGO
ONG Accion Norte y ANGPS - USAR
BSF - Bomberos Sin Fronteras NGO
TUN01 - Special Unit
UMKE EMT type 1 
UMKE EMT type 2 
United Arab Emirates
United Nations
29 September
  • UNICEF says over 16,000 children displaced in eastern Derna, Libya following flooding from Storm Daniel and much larger number affected due to lack of basic services: NGO via UNICEF.
26 September
  • Environmental sanitation teams continue to sterilize areas affected by floods in eastern Libya: Local News Outlet via EAN Libya.
  • Italian Civil Protection announces deployment of 70 Italian Navy servicemembers to aid in search and rescue operations in Derna, Libya: Local News Outlet Photo via Twitter.
  • Latvian Foreign Ministry mentions Morocco and Libya: "On 26 September, the Cabinet of Ministers allocates € 100 000 to Morocco & Libya to help with recovery from natural disasters. Recently more than 2...": Local Source via Twitter.
  • Qatari Embassy in Albania mentions Libya: "Two Qatari Planes from Qatari Air Bridge Arrive at Benina Airport in Libya to Aid Flood-Hit People #MOFAQatar": Government via Twitter.

25 September
  • Health Services Department of the Andalus District Municipality has prepared mobile center for 72 displaced families from Derna in Tripoli, Libya: Local News Outlet via Libya Akhbar.

  • Libyan Presidential Council member, al-Lafi, meets with Spanish Ambassador to Libya, Larache, thanks Spanish rescue team for assistance since Derna disaster: Local News Outlet via Libya Akhbar.

  • LibUN Special Representative for Libya Bathily calls on LNA commander Haftar to enable UN agencies and relief organizations to have full access to areas affected by floods in eastern Libya: Local News Outlet via Libya Observer.

  • Libyan government intends to activate seven psychological treatment clinics in Derna: Local News Outlet Photo via Akhbar Libya 24.

  • Qatari Foreign Ministry mentions Libya: "Two Qatari Planes from Qatari Air Bridge Arrive at Benina Airport in Libya to Aid Flood-Hit People #MOFAQatar": Local Source via Twitter.

  • Luxembourg releases aid package of EUR 600,000 to International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in response to natural disasters in Morocco and Libya: Local News Outlet via Le Quotidien

  • Twenty-eight UAE planes carrying almost 622 tons of relief and humanitarian aid arrive in Libya over past eleven days: Local Source Photo via Public Telegram Board.
  • Turkish Ambassador to Libya Yilmaz says "We are ready to help the Libyan cities ravaged by floods": Local News Outlet via Libya Akhbar.

  • Jordanian rescue team hands over weapons found during relief work to security authorities in Derna, Libya: Local News Outlet Photo via Ammon News.

  • Jordan sends third relief aircraft to Libya: Local News Outlet Photo via Hala Akhbar.

  • Qatar sends 58 tons of humanitarian aid to help people affected by floods and torrents east of Libya: Local News Outlet via Qatar Day.

23 September
  • In coordination with the Crisis and Support Center of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, the French Civil Protection Service set up a field hospital in Derna and received its first patients on September 17. More than 50 rescue workers and first responders from the Civil Protection Service are working at this unit, which has an operating theater and hospital beds that can accommodate up to 100 patients per day: Press Release via Gov’t France

  • In response to the flooding emergency in Libya, the Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Antonio Tajani, gave instructions to respond to requests for support from the country, in constant liaison with the Italian Embassy in Tripoli and the relevant Italian authorities: Press Release via Gov’t Italy

22 September 
  • Libyan official says al-Bayyadah Hospital completely damaged alongside other medical institution in al-Bayyadah, Libya: Local News Outlet via Asharq Breaking.

  • Libyan Health Minister Abdeljalil says he is seeking to install field hospital in Mechili, Libya: Local News Outlet via Alsaaa24.

  • Russian Emergencies Ministry sets up tents in Derna, Libya: Local Source via Snapchat CDN.

  • Sudanese armed forces conduct artillery shelling targeting Rapid Support Forces in Khartoum: Al Jazeera Breaking, News Outlet via Twitter
  • Repair work completed for electricity cables for power transformer at East al-Bayda Station in Libya: Local News Outlet Photo via Twitter
  • UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator Gagnon says providing psychosocial support to people affected by Storm Daniel in Libya is priority: Blog Photo via ReliefWeb.
  • UAE Disaster Victim Identification Team arrives in Libya: Al Ittihad newspaper, Local News Outlet Video via Twitter.
  • According to UNHCR and UN OCHA, as of 21 September, the death toll reached more than 4,000 people, over 9,000 people remain currently still missing (in Derna) and 43,059 displaced (of which 24,500 in Derna, 3,000 in Al Bayda, 2,780 in Benghazi and 1,500 in Al Marj). In addition, IOM DTM reports over 900 relocated families from the affected area in eastern Libya and Derna toward western Libya, including in the Capital Tripoli. The reported figures are likely to increase as emergency interventions are ongoing. Over the next 48 hours, drier conditions are still forecast over the whole country. The EU Civil Protection Mechanism was activated on 12 September, so far various Member States delivered Search and Rescue Teams, Emergency Medical Teams, shelter and medical items, water tanks, generators and other items. The Copernicus Emergency Management Service (EMSR696) was activated and eight maps have been produced(ECHO Daily Flash of 22 September 2023)
  • An airlift from UNHCR’s warehouse in Dubai with 53 metric tons of relief items to assist 10,000 people arrived in Benghazi on 19 September. The items reached Derna on 21 September and will be distributed to floods-affected people in the coming days: From UNCHR Libya Flash Update #3
  • The Libyan Arab Armed Forces (LAAF), an armed group in de facto control of eastern Libya including the flood-ravaged city of Derna, must immediately lift all undue restrictions imposed on media and facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid to all affected communities, said Amnesty International.

21 September 
  • H.E. Mr. Parnpree Bahiddha-Nukara, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, on behalf of the Royal Thai Government, presented a donation of 1.5 million Thai Baht to Mr. Ashoor Salem Ashoor Omran, Chargé d’affaires a.i., Embassy of the State of Libya, Bangkok, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand: Press Release via Govt. Thailand

20 September 
  • As Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) teams in Libya begin medical activities in the cities of Derna and Susah one week after the devastation of Storm Daniel, Manoelle Carton, MSF medical coordinator in Libya, describes the situation on the ground and our planned response: Press Release via MSF
  • Emergency Assistance to the State of Libya in Response to the Damages caused by the Flood Disaster (Handover of the Emergency Relief Goods, etc.): Press Release via Govt. Japan
19 September 
  • The Korean government has decided to provide US$2 million in humanitarian assistance for the people of Libya who were severely affected by flood that hit Libya's northeastern city of Derna and surrounding areas on September 17: Press Release via Govt. Rep. Korea

  • Greek Foreign Ministry mentions Libya: "Greece sent humanitarian aid today to the areas of Libya affected by the deadly "Daniel" floods,...": Government via Twitter.
  • Bahrain dispatches first relief aircraft to Libya following flooding: Libyan Al Marsad newspaper, Local News Outlet Photo via Twitter.

  • Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA) sent clean drinking water and five thousand food packets that contain energy-giving food because of the flood disaster happened in Libya after Hurricane Daniel: Press Release via Govt. Türkiye

18 September 
  • On September 18, President Joe Biden announced $11 million in new USG humanitarian assistance for flood-affected populations in northeastern Libya, bringing the total USG funding to $12 million to date: via USAID Situation Report

  • The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is issuing a critical warning about a rapidly escalating public health crisis in flood-affected parts of Libya, with particular concern for the residents of Derna. Recent floods have severely contaminated water sources with sewage, rendering them unsafe for consumption and exposing communities to grave health risks. Derna has already recorded atleast 55 children who have become sick as a result of contaminated water. Press Release via IRC

  • Following the activation of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism on 12 September, 8 EU Member States (DE, FI, FR, IT, NL, RO, BE, AT) have offered assistance consisting of an emergency medical team, search and rescue teams and equipment, heavy machinery, technical expertise and in-kind assistance (shelter, food and non-food items, power generators). In addition, a total funding of 5,7 million was mobilised to respond to urgent needs. The Copernicus Emergency Management Service (EMSR696) was activated in rapid mapping mode on 12 September and seven maps have been produced so far: ECHO Daily Flash.
  • EU releases €5.2 million and channels further civil protection assistance: Press Release via European Comission.
  • ‘Libya has been hit by devastating flooding. Thousands of people have died and many more are missing or lost their homes. Norway is providing NOK 25 million for life-saving assistance in the northeastern part of the country. The funds will be channelled through the UN, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and Norwegian humanitarian partners in Libya,’ said Minister of International Development Anne Beathe Tvinnereim.
  • The Australian Government will provide $1 million for urgent life-saving humanitarian assistance to affected communities, following the devastating floods in Libya. This will be delivered through the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. Press Release via Australian Govt.

17 September
  • The United States, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), is providing an initial $1 million in humanitarian assistance to help meet the most immediate needs. USAID has also activated a Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) to the North Africa region to lead the U.S. government’s humanitarian response. Comprised of disaster experts from USAID, this team will identify priority needs and coordinate with Libyan and international humanitarian partners to deliver support. Press Release via USAID

16 Septmeber
  • Today, 29 metric tonnes of health supplies arrived in Benghazi, Libya, from the WHO Global Logistics Hub in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. With enough supplies to reach almost 250,000 people with health aid, the shipment reflects an intensified emergency response to the unprecedented flooding in eastern Libya in the aftermath of Storm Daniel. The supplies include essential medicines, trauma and emergency surgery supplies, and medical equipment. There are also body bags for the safe and dignified movement and burial of the deceased.

  • Italian Embassy in Libya mentions Italian Navy: “#16September [7:00] | Arrived at #Derna the Nave San Marco of the with 100 tents for 1000 people,...”: Government via Twitter

  • 122 vehicles were delivered to Libya, including ambulances, rescue and intervention vehicles. 3 field hospitals and various food, shelter and health supplies were sent to our Libyan brothers. The ship "Osman Ghazi" will depart today, Saturday, from Izmir #For delivery relief materials to Libya.

  • Turkish aid arrives in Derna, Libya comprising of 122 vehicles, including ambulance and rescue vehicles, three field hospitals, and food and shelter supplies: Blog via Twitter.

  • Algerian Civil Protection launches rescue operation for missing people in Derna, Libya: Government via Facebook.

  • Convoy departs from Sirte to Derna, Libya: Blog Photo via Twitter.

  • Turkish naval vessel arrives at Tobruk port in Libya carrying field hospital, medical teams, and aid supplies: Blog via Twitter.

  • No water shortage in Derna, Libya, as vehicles carrying aid reach city, stores begin to open, and Shiha hospital to open on September 18 with limited medical supplies: Blog Photo via Twitter.

  • On September 15, upon the request of the Government of the State of Libya, the Government of Japan has decided to provide emergency relief goods (Tents, Blankets, etc.) for Libya through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in response to the damages caused by the flood disaster that occured in the eastern part of Libya: Press Release from the Govt of Japan.
  • According to the Red Cross and WHO, the remains of people who die in natural disasters or conflicts generally do not pose health risks: Press Release from ICRC, IFRC, WHO
15 September:
  • The Libyan City of Derna faces a second humanitarian crisis in the aftermath of the floods, with growing risk of water-borne diseases and shortages of food, shelter and medicine now posing grave risks to survivors, Islamic Relief says.
  • Human Appeal sends aid to Libya to avert hunger and disease from deadly flooding: Press Release from Human Appeal
  • Canada announces humanitarian assistance in response to flooding in Libya The Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of International Development, announced $5 million to help humanitarian partners deliver immediate life-saving assistance, including emergency health, water, sanitation, and hygiene, as well as shelter and non-food items, in northeastern affected by the flooding: Press Release from Canadian Govt
  • THW (Technische Hilfswerk) relief supplies arrive today: two Bundeswehr Airbus A400M transport aircraft departed for Libya soon after midday on Thursday, carrying approx. 30 tons of THW relief supplies. The aircraft took off from Wunstorf were loaded with 100 tents with lighting, 1,000 camp beds, 1,000 blankets, 1,000 sleeping mats, 1,000 water filters and 80 power generators: Press Release via Bundesanstalt Technisches Hilfswerk
  • The World Food Programme (WFP) has begun providing desperately needed food assistance to more than 5,000 families displaced by flooding in Libya
  • International development charity, Christian Aid, has launched an emergency appeal to help people impacted by the devastating flooding that struck Libya in recent days.
  • Russian Ambassador to Libya says several aircraft with humanitarian supplies will be sent to northeastern Libya following Storm Daniel: News Outlet Photo via RIA Novosti. Major News
  • Two additional UAE aircraft carrying equipment, mobile power station, generators, medical materials, and other vehicles arrive in Libya: Local News Outlet via Twitter
  • Maltese search and rescue teams begin operations in Derna, Libya: Local News Outlet via Instagram.
  • Nearly 300,000 children affected in Libya after Storm Daniel devastates entire communities - UNICEF
  • Derna, Libya Mayor al-Ghaithi says specialized teams required for body recovery missions following Storm Daniel: News Outlet via Asharq al-Awsat.
  • Derna, Libya reportedly receiving food aid but no medication: Blog via Twitter
  • Libyan ICRC spokesperson denies reports of announcement to evacuate Derna, Libya: middle gate, Local News Outlet Photo via Twitter.
  • Authorities reportedly considering evacuating residents from Derna, Libya to avoid spread of disease: Blog via Facebook
  • UN Human Rights Office says 322 survivors saved from flooding in eastern Libya: Local News Outlet via al-Hadath

14 September:
  • OCHA launches $71.4 million flash appeal in response to Libya floods
  • An MSF team arrived yesterday evening from. Misrata to Tobruk, and is due to reach Derna today by road. MSF will make dom=nations to the Libyan Red Crescent: 400 body bags, 200 medical kits, and 250 casualty care kits. Press Release via MSF
  • UK for UNHCR launches emergency Libya floods appeal: Press Release via UNHCR
  • The World Food Programme (WFP) has begun providing desperately need food assistance to more than 5,000 families displaced by massive flooding in Libya: Press Release via WFP
  • From UAE, five relief planes arrived in Benghazi in Libya as of this morning, carrying three rescue teams, urgent relief and medical aid. In addition, 64 member search and rescue team. Total aircraft so far are 8 aircrafts of assistance.
  • The EU strengthens assistance for flood emergency: New offers from EU Member States include: a medical team of 53 people from France. Shelter items, heavy machinery, 1 diving specialized team with 3 zodiac boats and 2 transport vehicles, and 2 search and rescue helicopters from Italy. 1 technical expertise team, including IT, logistics and mapping experts from the Netherlands: Press Release via ECHO
  • Tripoli (ICRC) - Medicines, food, body bags, first aid kits and household items from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) will be distributed to communities in Libya to assist the thousands of families in need after the devastating floods in the country's northeast.
  • UK announces new support to Libya in response to devastating floods: via press release from UK Govt
  • As part of UAE air bridge, five relief planes arrive in Benghazi, carrying three rescue teams (64 members), urgent relief and medical aid: Press release via WAM
  • Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD) sends a field hospital to Libya to aid flood victims. 
  • Action Against Hunger Responds to Severe Flooding in Libya: "Our teams in Libya are ready to support the local Libyan Red Crescent in the distribution of food packages, hygiene kits, and other essential items for 1,000 affected people" ~ Dr. Charles E. Owubah, CEO of Action Against Hunger.

13 September:

  • IFRC announces CHF 10 million appeal for urgen relief efforts to scale up the Libyan Red Crescent's relief efforts in response to the floods.
  • The International Rescue Committee (IRC) urgently calls for international assistance to address the catastrophic humanitarian crisis unfolding in Libya as a result of flooding caused by Storm Daniel. More than 3,000 people have been killed and whole neighborhoods have been washed away, leaving over 34,000 people displaced without homes and basic necessities.
  • Egyptian President al-Sisi directs Mistral aircraft carrier be prepared to serve as a field hospital for Libya: Arabic English, News Outlet Photo via Twitter.
  • Team of Spanish rescuers arrives in Derna, Libya to help search for victims of flooding due to Storm Daniel: Blog via Twitter.
  • UAE search and rescue team arrives in Libya: Oloum al-Dar, Local News Outlet Video via Twitter.
  • EU mobilizes emergency assistance via its Civil Protection Mechanism: an initial release of €500,000 in humanitarian funding to tackle the most urgent needs of people in Libya affected by the impact of Storm Daniel.
  • WFP delivers assistance to hundreds of families in Benghazi as it prepares to reach 5,000 people.
  • Italy has begun flying firefighting personnel and flooding experts to Libya and also sent a ship to provide medical and logistical support following devastating floods, the defense ministry said.
  • UN Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief allocates $10M to support those affected by flooding caused by Storm Daniel in Libya: Blog via Twitter.
  • Omani Sultan Haitham issues royal orders to send humanitarian aid to Libya after flooding due to Storm Daniel: Local News Outlet via Times of Oman.
  • Forty trucks carrying humanitarian aid and 80 vehicles transporting volunteers head from Tripoli to Derna, Libya following Storm Daniel: Local News Outlet Video via YouTube.
  • Egyptian Armed Forces arrive in Benghazi, Libya to participate in search and rescue operations in Derna following Storm Daniel: Blog Photo via Twitter
  • Kuwait sends an aircraft carrying 40 tons of relief and medical aid to Libya following Storm Daniel: Place News, Local News Outlet Photo via Twitter.
  • Qatar Fund for Development sends a field hospital to Libya to provide relief to those affected by flooding following Storm Daniel: Local News Outlet via Al-Arab Newspaper.
  • Jordanian military aircraft carry humanitarian supplies to Derna, Libya: Local News Outlet via Twitter.
  • The Turkish Red Crescent is contributing with the following items to the mentioned cargo ship: 250 tents, 5,000 blankets, 10,000 food parcels, 200 hygiene kits, 2,000 kitchen sets, 1 truckload of bottled water, 3,000 canned meats, 1,500 body bags, 1,000 sleeping bags, 1,000 sponge beds, 50,000 surgical masks, 4 generators, 300 flashlights, 2,000 power banks, various clothing and shoes, baby diapers, radios, etc.
12 September: 
  • Egypt announces opening an air bridge to Libya, and three military planes dispatched with medical supplies, food, and rescue teams to aid those affected by Storm Daniel: Alwasat Libya, Local News Outlet Photo via Twitter.
  • Eight Algerian Air Force aircraft deliver humanitarian aid to Libya following Storm Daniel: Local News Outlet via al-Hadath.
  • Turkish aid plane containing 168 rescue personnel and humanitarian relief for response to Storm Daniel arrives at Benina Airport in Libya: Local News Outlet via Twitter.
  • An UNDAC TEAM is deploying to support the coordination of the international response at the request of the UN Resident Coordinator.
All International USAR Teams, EMTs and other relief teams, please update your team factsheets in the "Relief Teams" tab on the top left.

Stakeholders working in the humanitarian response for the floods in Libya, please fill out this form Contact List - Libya Mission 2023 to provide an overview of engaged/interested actors and facilitate coordination.The mailing list will also be used to disseminate relevant information products.

For Media Inquiries contact: Jens Laereke



In agreement with the Libyan Navy and port authorities, San Marco Ship of the Italian Navy and Genio IT Army are working in Sector H & D1 performing various activities.


23 september

- One body recovered by Itlian USAR Team ITA01 during search phase in sector D.

- n.6 bodies recovered by navy divers with Libyan authorities and other international teams.

24 september

- The search and recovery operations carried out by USAR ITA10 teams in sector D continue;many homes have been checked and verified

- n.2 bodies recovered by italian navy divers with Libyan authorities and other international teams.

25 september

- The search and recovery operations carried out by USAR ITA10 teams in sector D continue; many homes have been checked and verified,

- n.1 body recovered by Itlian USAR Team ITA10 during search phase in sector I after witness.

- Italian navy the Italian navy continues its search at sea with Libyan authorities.

- Collaboration with italian rescuer team to support the search operations and remove debries. ( IT Army )

Situation reports

UNFPA Libya Flood Response Flash appeal, 30 September 2023
Libya: Flood Response Humanitarian Update (As of 28 September 2023)
UNHCR Libya Flash Update #4 26 September 2023
IOM Flash Appeal: Libya/Storm Daniel (September 2023 - June 2024)
UK ramps up vital life-saving support for Libya [EN/AR]
Libya: Flood update Flash Update No.7 (23 September 2023) (as of 4pm local time)
WFP Libya Floods Response External Situation Report 2, 22 September 2023
IMC - Libya Flooding: Situation Report #3 (September 22, 2023)
ACAPS Thematic report - Libya: Pre-crisis humanitarian situation in Al Jabal Al Akhdar district (22 September 2023)
UNICEF Libya Humanitarian Situation Report No. 2 (Storm Daniel and Flooding) - 24 September 2023
UNHCR Update Libya (September 2023) [EN/AR]
UNHCR Libya Flash Update #3 21 September 2023
Logistics Cluster, WFP - Libya: Situation Update, 20 September 2023
DFS - Libya Hurricane Daniel: Situation Report 1 - 20/09/2023
CrisisReady - Daniel Situation Report for Sep 19, 2023 at 09:00 GMT+2
IOM - Libya - Storm Daniel Flash Update 5 (20 September 2023) | Displacement Tracking Matrix
Libya: Flood update Flash Update No.5 (19 September 2023) (as of 4pm local time)
UNHCR Libya Flash Update #2 19 September 2023
IMC - Libya Flooding: Situation Report #2 (September 18, 2023)
Libya: Flood update Flash Update No.4 (18 September 2023) (as of 3pm local time)
CrisisReady - Daniel Situation Report for Sep 18, 2023 at 01:00 GMT+2
WFP Libya Floods Response External Situation Report 1, 17 September 2023
IOM - Libya - Storm Daniel Flash Update 4 (17 September 2023) | Displacement Tracking Matrix
UNFPA Libya Flood Response Situation Report #1, 15 September 2023
OCHA - Libya: Flood update Flash Update No.3 (16 September 2023) (as of 5pm local time)
REACH - Libya 2023 floods - Emergency Situation Overview (15 September 2023)
ACAPS Thematic report - Libya: Update on the impact of Storm Daniel in Derna district (15 September 2023)
CrisisReady - Daniel Situation Report for Sep 14, 2023 at 17:00 GMT+2
OCHA - Libya: Flood update Flash Update No.2 (15 September 2023)
IRC - Libya: Flash Appeal Flood Response 15 September 2023
IOM - Libya Flooding: Situation Report #1 (September 14, 2023)
IMC - Libya Flooding: Situation Report #1 (September 14, 2023)
UNHCR Libya Flash Update #1 14 September 2023
UNICEF Libya Humanitarian Situation Report No. 1 (Storm Daniel and Floods) - 14 September 2023
MedGlobal Responds to Unprecedented Earthquake in Morocco and Floods in Libya
IFRC - Libya, MENA region | Storm Daniel - Emergency Appeal No: MDRLY005
OCHA - Libya Flood response Flash Appeal (September 2023)
ACAPS - Libya: Impact of Storm Daniel in eastern Libya and the collapse of dams in Derna - Briefing note 13 September 2023
REACH - Libya 2023 floods - Emergency Situation Overview (13 September 2023)
OCHA - Libya: Flood Update, Flash Update No. 1
Turkish Red Crescent (TRC) Launches a Humanitarian Operation in Libya
IOM DTM Flash Update: Storm Daniel in Northeastern Libya
Further reading

OCHA - Two weeks since floods in eastern Libya, UN teams remain on the ground, providing humanitarian assistance and supporting early recovery [EN/AR]
OCHA - Survivors of Derna floods face trauma, uncertainty
Team Fact Sheet

USAID - Libya - Floods Fact Sheet #2, Fiscal Year (FY) 2023
USAID - Libya - Floods Fact Sheet #1, Fiscal Year (FY) 2023
Assessment Reports

Northeastern Libya Floods 2023 Multi-Thematic Rapid Needs Assessment (MTRNA) - UNDAC, REACH
IOM - Libya - Storm Daniel Flash Update 6 (26 September 2023) | Displacement Tracking Matrix
The environmental dimensions of Libya’s flood disaster
IOM - Libya — Impact of Storm Daniel on Derna: Needs Assessment Report (25 September 2023)
ACAPS Thematic report - Libya: Pre-crisis humanitarian situation in Derna (19 September 2023)
Turkish Red Crescent Libya - Floods Response Information Bulletin Report No: 1 (As of September 19, 2023)
Yale - The Libya floods: a climate and infrastructure catastrophe
WMO - The northeastern regions of Libya were affected by extreme weather event on 10 September 2023
Meeting Reports

Opening Remarks at the Noon Briefing by Georgette Gagnon, Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Libya, 18 September 2023
Logisctics Clusters, WFP - Morocco and Libya Global Coordination Call, 14 September 2023
Libya: USG Response to Flooding in Northeast Libya (09/22/2023)
Libya | Floods situation update - DG ECHO Daily Map
Libya: Flooding - Storm Daniel rainfall accumulations (9-12 September 2023)
Libya: Flooding - Overview of affected Mantikas with baseline population (from US Census Bureau 2020 estimate) (16 Sep 2023)
Libya: Flooding - Physical Access Constraints (PAC) - Roads in Derna as of 12 September 2023
Libya | Floods situation update - DG ECHO Daily Map | 15/09/2023
Source: ECHO
Flood impact assessment in Al Tamimi Town, Derna Governorate, East Province, Libya - Imagery Analysis: 13/09/2023 | Published: 15/09/2023 V1
Provider:Int'l Charter, UNOSAT
Flood impact assessment in Derna City centre, East Province, Libya - Imagery Analysis: 13/09/2023 | Published: 14/09/2023 V1
Provider:Int'l Charter, UNOSAT
Libya: Flooding - Overview of affected Governorate of Derna (LY0101) overlaid by 250 m hexagonal grid (14 Sep 2023)
MapAction - Libya: Flooding - Overview of affected governorates
MapAction - Libya: Flooding - Country overview (13 Sep 2023)
UNOSAT - Flood impact assessment in Derna City, East Province, Libya - Imagery Analysis: 13/09/2023 | Published: 13/09/2023 V1
Libya Floods - Derna, Flood Impact in Central Derna - 12 September 2023
Flood impact assessment in Derna City centre, East Province, Libya
UNOSAT Live Map - Storm Daniel in Libya
Libya Floods/Storm Daniel: accumulated rainfall and potentially exposed population
Source: Data sources: Total accumulated rainfall: ECMWF early-run high resolution forecast (HRES); Neighbourhoods in Derna: REACH Area-Based Assessment (Nov-Dec 2022); Elevation: SRTM; Rivers and watersheds: WWF HydroSheds; Roads: OSM (2023); affected settlements: IOM (11/09/2023). Coordinate System:WGS 1984 UTM Zone 34N Projection: Transverse Mercator
 Status of request for assistance

A request for international assistance has been issued by the Presidential Council requesting "the international community for rescue, logistic and infrastructure rebuilding support."



Needs in the affected area:

- Teams specialised in body recovery

- Body bags / human remains pouches

buenas tardes desde mexico ya estamos un grupo de voluntarios que fuimos a turquia tambien listos para el apoyo se estsa realizando la gestion con la embajada para proxima salida
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